Sunday, 31 August 2014

Reflection Question on Ekistic Relationship

Hi Trekkers,
Appended is the message and reflection question from Ms Pearl Huang.

I trust you have understood better the ekistic relationship we share with our surroundings and are holding up well after the trek about MacRitchie.  Can you write a reflection on the following question?

1. How can I contribute positively to the ekistic relationship when I am in Nepal?

Please respond to the question in your next reflection.


Thursday, 28 August 2014

Be Prepared for 30 Aug Trek

Reminder for 30 Aug Trek from SST to MacRitchie Reservoir

Venue: Meet in School at 0800
Duration: 0800 - 2100 (Estimated)

Be prepared for:
1. Delay
2. Inclement Weather
3. Hunger and Thirst
4. Minor Injuries
5. Personal Medical Condition
6. Rugged Terrain
7. Getting Wet (Person and Belonging)
8. Bath
9. Unforeseen Situations
10. More Challenges

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back." 
                                                                               - Paulo Coelho, The Devil and Ms Prym

Have a good rest tonight. It would be a long trek tomorrow. See you !

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Food for Thought (27 Aug 2014)

Thanks for staying awake for the outdoor training indoors last Tuesday. Here are the questions to tickle your brain.

Question 1
What are your thoughts and views on the quote below?
   I Like this quote I dislike this quote

“Believe me! The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously!” Friedrich Nietzsche

Question 2
Do you have a motto for the Nepal trip? If you do not have, can you think of one and what would that be? Why did you choose this motto?

Question 3
What are your virtues and vices? When will virtues become vices and vice-versa?

Question 4
What do you value (value system) in life?

Question 5
Where do you stand in terms of your inclination towards being egocentric, anthropocentric (homocentric), biocentric and ecocentric?

Question 6
What are the 2 big ideas you learn? What do they mean to you?

Please leave your log book in my pigeon hole outside the staff room by 1 p.m. Thanks.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Reflection (Bukit Timah Trek 23 Aug 2014)

Good Morning, 
Hope everyone has a good rest. Below are the reflection questions.

Place Responsive Outdoor Education refers to the role places play in the programming of outdoor education. Developing the awareness of the importance of a place will help to foster the relationship with the place, thus strengthening the appreciation and attachment to the place.

(For Everybody)
1. What have you learnt during the trek? Are these learning useful to you? (Safety, Team Building, Place Responsive Outdoor Education, etc.) 

2. How do you feel about the trek?

3. Why do you think you were asked to count the number of steps at Rengas Path?

(For students who willingly counted the steps when the teacher asked how many steps were there)
4. Why did you willingly took the initiative to count the steps on your own?

5. How is this action/behaviour related to your personality, virtues, values or beliefs?

(For students who did not want to count the steps when the teacher asked how many steps were there until they were asked to do so)
6. Why did you not want to count the steps on your own but depends on others to count for you or even not bothered at all?

7. How is this action/behaviour related to your personality, virtues, values or beliefs?

When writing your reflection, please write down the questions too. Each day of reflection should start on a new page with the date. See you on Tuesday 26 Aug 2014. Log Book to be in by end of Monday 5 p.m., late submission will have consequences!!!

Bukit Timah Trek 30 Aug 2014 (Flora and Fauna)

Bukit Timah Trek 23 Aug 2014 (Team Building )

Friday, 22 August 2014

Training Trek at Bukit Timah Nature Reserve 23 August 2014

Hi all,
For your information, the trip will go on as planned. Currently, we are trying to give some of those that missed out an opportunity to join us in Nepal. My apologies for the trouble caused.

Venue: Bukit Timah Nature Reserve Visitor Centre 
Meeting Time: 0800
End Time: About 1300 - 1400
Attire: SST S&W T-Shirt, Long Pants and Shoes

Be Prepared for:
1. Delay in End Time
2. Hunger / Thirst
3. Inclement Weather 
4. Minor Injuries 
5. Personal Medical Condition 

Due to the change in numbers, we will have to regroup. Let's do it tomorrow. 

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Reflection Questions 19 Aug 2012

Hi all,
Here are the questions to guide your reflection. Please reflect deeply not just on the experience but also its implications and applications, if applicable. Quality and honest reflection is expected. 

(For everybody)
Question 1 
How did you feel when you were told that you have to go back to SST by going through the forest? Explain why you felt that way.

Question 2
What were the positive (if any) and negative (if any) thoughts that went through your head when you were told that you have to go through the forest? Explain why you thought that way.

(For students who did not want to take up the challenge)
Question 3
What were the key factors (in order of priority) that influenced you to decide against taking up the challenge? Please elaborate.

Question 4
How did you feel when you see the more adventurous group succeeding in getting out of the forest safe and sound?

Question 5
Do you think you would want to take up the same challenge in future? Why?

(For students who took up the challenge)
Question 6
Why did you take up the challenge?

Question 7
Was there any factor(s) (in order of priority) that could have prevented you from taking up the challenge? How did you overcome them?

Question 8
Describe your experience in the forest?

(For everybody)
Question 9
Why do you think the challenge was posed to the group?

Question 10
What have you learnt about yourself from taking up or walking away from the challenge?

Question 11
Is the outdoor education philosophy of "Challenge by Choice" applicable in life? Why?

All reflections must be handed into the pigeon hole of Mr Lam by 6 p.m. Monday 25 Aug.